Avenue 33 serves litigants, funders, law firms and investors in addressing and closing the litigation finance knowledge and communications gaps in order to facilitate a more seamless, efficient and successful financing process – from outset to outcome.

Litigation finance, which sits at the crossroads of the legal and business sectors, is rapidly gaining recognition and popularity worldwide as both a tool for justice for litigants and a means to achieve uncorrelated returns for investors. However, it is widely understood that the litigation finance industry is still evolving, and, as the New York City Bar Association Working Group on Litigation Funding explained as recently as February 28, 2020, “Courts and regulators still are adapting to the emerging litigation funding market.” While this largely unregulated and opaque market grows and shifts to accommodate an evolving legal and economic landscape, funders, law firms and companies often find themselves with disparate knowledge. Asymmetrical information then creates hurdles, friction and unnecessary costs instead of promoting mutually beneficial outcomes.

Often even sophisticated parties come to a “dispute finance” matter with varying backgrounds, underlying understandings and assumptions. With information equality, alignment of interests, harmonization of expectations and clarity of process, the opportunities for maximizing positive outcomes and minimizing contention substantially increases for all stakeholders.

Avenue 33 can provide guidance, strategic advice and support leading to efficient value optimization. For more information on how we can help you at any stage of the dispute finance process, please contact us.